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About Us

Mission Statement

The Falconer Public Library will provide an atmosphere that is conducive to the enhancement of cultural and educational endeavors. The library will house book and nonbook materials that will encourage public use and will allow intellectual freedom.


Laurie Becker, Library Manager

Sandra Thies, Senior Library Clerk

Ashley Nelson, Story Hour Director / Library Assistant

Courtney Theofilactidis, Library Assistant

Carrie Lyon, Library Assistant

Sue Seamans, Outreach Coordinator

Gifts & Memorials

Library donations and memorials are a wonderful way to supplement library programs and services. Some people donate book/non book items from their own collections; some people donate money for memorials or in honor of special events; some people donate to the library endowment fund. It is these gestures of support that help keep our library functioning.

If you are thinking of a Memorial/Honor for a loved one,
you may send a donation with the information for the bequest to:

Falconer Public Library
101 West Main St.
Falconer, New York 14733

Another way to donate is the Falconer Public Library Endowment Fund. This fund has been established to create a financial plan for sustaining the Library in future years. It does not replace the Memorial Fund contributions that the Library receives during a year. Rather, it generates long term financial resources and security.